Paso de la Amada: An Early Mesoamerican Ceremonial Center

Richard LesureProfessor, UCLA Department of AnthropologyInaugural Lecture in the new Author Spotlight seriesRegister herePaso de la Amada, on the coast of Chiapas, Mexico, was among the earliest settled villages in […]

Patricia McCarron McGinn Lecture by Professor Glenn Wharton

Join the UCLA Art History Department for the annual Patricia McCarron McGinn Lecture featuring Professor Glenn Wharton with his lecture Why Conserve Cultural Heritage? Reframing a Discipline.This year’s lecture will take place virtually on Monday, March […]

Conservation and Restoration Approaches at the Musical Instrument Museum

Rodrigo Correa-SalasConservatorRegister hereThe structure, materials and acoustic properties of musical instruments are diverse and delicate. These characteristics will determine whether the instrument can be played (on special occasions) or just be displayed […]

Archaeological Techniques and Excavating the Indus Civilization

Jonathan Mark KenoyerGeorge F. Dales Jr. and Barbara A. Dales Professor of AnthropologyDepartment of Anthropology, University of Wisconsin, Madison.Date & time: April 9th, 2022 at 1:00PM PTRegister hereA general overview of the […]

Career Panel

Over ZoomInvited four speakers from different fields and jobs within archaeology (Meera Munoz-Pandya, a Bilingual Museum Educator at the Smithsonian National Museum of Natural History; Jorge Peralta, a GIS Archaeologist […]

Patterns are Good to Think: Inka Abstraction Across Media

Carolyn DeanDepartment of History of Art & Visual CultureUniversity of California, Santa CruzMonday, April 25th at 12:00pm PTRegister hereSponsors: Cotsen Institute of Archaeology and UCLA Latin American Institute