Series: Monumenta Archaeologica 41
ISBN: 978-1-938770-11-1
Publication Date: October 1, 2017
Price: Hb $98.00, eBook $78.00
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Since 2007 the Jaffa Cultural Heritage Project, under the direction of Aaron A. Burke and Martin Peilstöcker, has endeavored to bring to light the vast archaeological and historical record of the site of Jaffa, Israel. Continuing the effort begun with The History and Archaeology of Jaffa 1, this volume represents a decade of fieldwork and analysis by the Jaffa Cultural Heritage Project and the publication of several projects begun earlier. It consists of a collection of independent studies and final reports on smaller excavations that do not require individual book-length treatments. The volume’s content is arranged around overviews of archaeological research in Jaffa (Part I), historical and archaeological studies of Medieval and Ottoman Jaffa (Part II), reports on excavations by the Israel Antiquities Authority at both the Postal Compound between 2009 and 2011 (Part III) and at the Armenian Compound in 2006 and 2007 (Part IV), as well as discrete studies of the excavations of Jacob Kaplan and Haya Ritter-Kaplan in Jaffa on behalf of the Israel Department of Antiquities and Museums from 1955 to 1974 (Part V).
Table of Contents
Ch. 1: The Jaffa Cultural Heritage Project, 2007–2016 by Aaron A. Burke and Martin Peilstöcker
Ch. 2: Excavations of the Jaffa Cultural Heritage Project, 2008–2014 by Aaron A. Burke and Martin Peilstöcker
Ch. 3: Salvage Excavations in Jaffa’s Lower Town, 1994–2014 by Yoav Arbel
Ch. 4: Historical, Cartographic, and Geomorphological Data Concerning an Ancient Inland Harbor at Jaffa by Aaron A. Burke, Shelley Wachsmann, Simona Avnaim-Katav, Richard K. Dunn, Krister Kowalski, George A. Pierce, and Martin Peilstöcker
Ch. 5: The Stone Door of a Jewish Burial Cave from Jaffa by Yoav Arbel
Ch. 6: The Ottoman Port of Jaffa: A Port without a Harbor by Dan Mirkin
Ch. 7: A Panoramic View of Late Ottoman Jaffa from November 1860 by Louis Vignes by Tzvi Shacham
Ch. 8: The Jerusalem Gate of Late Ottoman Jaffa: An Updated Survey by Yoav Arbel and Lior Rauchberger
Ch. 9: The New Gate of Jaffa during the Late Ottoman Period by Or Aleksandrowicz and Samuel Giler
Ch. 10: The Anglican Cemetery of Jaffa (from 1842) by Samuel Giler
Ch. 11: The Blessed Bayāra: A Bayāra and Arabic Inscription from Late Ottoman Jaffa by Avi Sasson and Nitzan Amitai-Preiss
Ch. 12: The Jaffa-Jerusalem Road in the Late Ottoman Period: Aspects of Material Culture along the “Travelers’ Way” by Avi Sasson
Ch. 13: Medieval and Ottoman Metal Artifacts from the Flea Market and Ganor Compound Excavations by Kate Raphael
Ch. 14: Ottoman Clay Tobacco Pipes from the Seawall Excavations in Jaffa by Lior Rauchberger
Ch. 15: The Postal Compound Excavations in Jaffa, 2009–2011: Hellenistic Architecture and a Roman Period Cemetery (Final Report) by Eriola Jakoel
Ch. 16: Ceramics from the Postal Compound Excavations, 2009–2011 by Peter Gendelman and Eriola Jakoel
Ch. 17: Rhodian and Phoenician (Tyrian?) Amphora Stamps from the Postal Compound Excavations, 2009–2011 by Gerald Finkielsztejn
Ch. 18: Numismatic Finds from the Postal Compound Excavations, 2009–2011 by Donald T. Ariel
Ch. 19: Human Skeletal Remains from the Postal Compound Excavations, 2009–2011 by Vered Eshed
Ch. 20: Excavations at the Armenian Compound in Jaffa, 2006–2007 Final Report by Yoav Arbel
Ch. 21: Excavations in the Room over the Church in the Armenian Compound Excavations, 2006 by Lior Rauchberger
Ch. 22: The Ceramics from the Armenian Compound Excavations, 2006–2007 by Anna de Vincenz
Ch. 23: An Abbasid Stamped Handle from the Armenian Compound Excavations, 2006–2007 by Nitzan Amitai-Preiss
Ch. 24: An Athenian Black-Figured Krater Fragment from the Armenian Compound Excavations, 2006 by Peter Gendelman
Ch. 25: Excavations in Areas B, D, F, and G by Jacob Kaplan, 1959–1964: Exploration of the Northern End of Tel Yafo by Kyle H. Keimer
Ch. 26: The Beʾeri School Excavations by Jacob Kaplan, 1965 by Aaron A. Burke, Brett Kaufman, and Katherine Strange Burke
Ch. 27: Evidence for Northern European Crusader Ships at Jaffa: Steel Nails from the Beʾeri School Excavations by Davide Zori and Brett Kaufman
Ch. 28: Bronze and Iron Age Figurines and Zoomorphic Vessels from Jacob Kaplan’s Excavations in Jaffa, 1955–1974 by Michael D. Press