The Archaeology of Ritual

Evangelos Kyriakidis


Series: Cotsen Advanced Seminar 3

ISBN: 978-1-931745-47-5

Publication Date: November 1, 2007

Price: Hb $55.00, Pb $42.00, eBook $34.00

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This book is the fruit of the third Cotsen Advanced Seminar conducted at the Cotsen Institute of Archaeology at UCLA. A wide spectrum of scholars, historians, art historians, anthropologists, students of performance and of religion, archaeologists, cognitive scientists, and linguists were all asked to think and comment on how ritual can be traced in archaeology and on possible directions for ritual research in the discipline. The outcome is a collection of papers that is thought provoking, often controversial, but always of extremely high quality.

Table of Contents

  • Ch. 01: In Search of Ritual by Evangelos Kyriakidis
  • Ch. 02: Finding Ritual: Calibrating the Evidence by Evangelos Kyriakidis     
  • Ch. 03: History, Ethnography, and Essentialism: The Archaeology of Religion and Ritual in South Asia by Lars Fogelin
  • Ch. 04: Rethinking Ritual by Joyce Marcus
  • Ch. 05: Archaeological Andean Rituals: Performance, Liturgy, and Meaning by Christine A. Hastorf
  • Ch. 06: The Archaeology of Ritual, of Cult, and of Religion by Colin Renfrew
  • Ch. 07: Living Ritual and Indigenous Archaeology: The Case of Zimbabwe by Terence Ranger  
  • Ch. 08: The Reinvention of Odissi Classical Dance as a Temple Ritual by Alessandra Lopez y Royo
  • Ch. 09: Ritualized Technologies in the Aegean Neolithic? The Crafts of Adornment by Marianna Nikolaidou
  • Ch. 10: Cognition, Religious Ritual, and Archaeology by Robert N. McCauley and E. Thomas Lawson
  • Ch. 11: Sacrifice And Ritualization by Caroline Humphrey and James Laidlaw
  • Ch. 12: Response: Defining the Need for a Definition by Catherine Bell  
  • Ch. 13: Archaeologies of Ritual by Evangelos Kyriakidis

The Archaeology of Ritual