Rethinking Mycenaean Palaces II: Revised and Expanded Second Edition

Michael L. Galaty and William A. Parkinson


Series: Monographs 60

ISBN: 978-1-931745-42-0

Publication Date: December 1, 2007

Price: OUT OF PRINT, eBook $15

This revised and expanded edition of the classic 1999 edited book includes all the chapters from the original volume plus a new, updated, introduction and several new chapters. The current book is an up-to-date review of research into Mycenaean palatial systems with chapters by archaeologists and Linear B specialists that will be useful to scholars, instructors, and advanced students.

This book aims to define more accurately the term “palace” in light of both recent archaeological research in the Aegean and current anthropological thinking on the structure and origin of early states. Regional centers do not exist as independent entities. They articulate with more extensive sociopolitical systems. The concept of palace needs to be incorporated into enhanced models of Mycenaean state organization, ones that more completely integrate primary centers with networks of regional settlement and economy.

Table of Contents

  • Ch. 01: 2007 Introduction: Mycenaean Palaces Rethought by Michael L. Galaty and William A. Parkinson

Part I Mycenaean Palaces: The 1999 Text

  • Ch. 02: 1999 Introduction: Putting Mycenaean Palaces in Their Place by Michael L. Galaty and William A. Parkinson 
  • Ch. 03: Pylos: The Expansion of a Mycenaean Palatial Center by John Bennet
  • Ch. 04: Administration in the Mycenaean Palaces: Where’s the Chief? by Cynthia W. Shelmerdine
  • Ch. 05: Mycenaean Polities: States or Estates? by David B. Small  
  • Ch. 06: Palaces, Sanctuaries, and Workshops: The Role of the Religious Sector in by Mycenaean Economics by Susan Lupack
  • Ch. 07: Toward a Model of Mycenaean Palatial Mobilization by Paul Halstead
  • Ch. 08: Wealth Ceramics, Staple Ceramics: Pots and the Mycenaean Palaces by Michael L. Galaty
  • Ch. 09: Chipping Away at a Mycenaean Economy: Obsidian Exchange, Linear B, and “Palatial Control” in Late Bronze Age Messenia by William A. Parkinson
  • Ch. 10: Flaked Stone and the Role of the Palaces in the Mycenaean World System by P. Nick Kardulias 
  • Ch. 11: Critique: A View from the Tablets by John T. Killen
  • Ch. 12: An Archaeological Homily by John F. Cherry and Jack L. Davis

Part II Mycenaean Palaces: The 2007 Contributions

  • Ch. 13: Chariots, Industry, and Elite Power at Pylos by Robert Schon 
  • Ch. 14: Where’s the Palace? The Absence of State Formation in the Late Bronze Age Corinthia by Daniel J. Pullen and Thomas F. Tartaron 
  • Ch. 15: Mycenaean Northern Borders Revisited: New Evidence from Thessaly by Vassiliki Adrimi-Sismani
  • Ch. 16: Rallying ’round a “Minoan” Past: The Legitimation of Power at Knossos during the Late Bronze Age by Jan Driessen and Charlotte Langohr
  • Ch. 17: Rethinking Mycenaean International Trade with Egypt and the Near East by Eric H. Cline

Rethinking Mycenaean Palaces II: Revised and Expanded Second Edition