Animals, Ancestors, and Ritual in Early Bronze Age Syria: An Elite Mortuary Complex from Umm el-Marra

This is a final report of the excavation of Tell Umm el-Marra…

Ancient Methone 2003-2013 (2 Volumes)

Excavations at ancient Methone since 2003 by the Greek Ministry…

Divine Consumption: Sacrifice, Alliance Building, and Making Ancestors in West Africa

Kirikongo is an archaeological site composed of thirteen…

Bikeri: Two Copper Age Villages on the Great Hungarian Plain

The transition from the Neolithic period to the Copper Age in…

Talepakemalai: Lapita and Its Transformations in the Mussau Islands of Near Oceania

"This volume has admirably achieved it stated aims, providing…

Paso de la Amada: An Early Mesoamerican Ceremonial Center

"The sheer amount of contextual information reported, the excellent…

The Wari Enclave of Espíritu Pampa

The Wari State was the first expansionistic power to develop…

Landscape History of Hadramawt

Winner of the AIA 2022 Anna Marguerite McCann Award for Fieldwork…

Early Athens: Settlements and Cemeteries in the Submycenaean, Geometric, and Archaic Periods

“... presents all the relevant contexts in detail, including…

The History and Archaeology of Jaffa 2

Since 2007 the Jaffa Cultural Heritage Project, under the direction…