Virtual Pizza Talk: The Construction and Deconstruction of Authenticity in Chinese Art

David A. ScottDistinguished Professor EmeritusUCLA Department of Art HistoryRegister hereChinese Art presents especially challenging problems in terms of authenticity of monuments, sites, and artefacts of all kinds. Professor Emeritus David A. Scott will examine the conceptual framework of authenticity, a metonymy, where the vagaries of the word can be replaced with intangible authenticity, material authenticity and historic authenticity. Authenticity can also be regarded […]

Virtual Pizza Talk: Recording the Inscribed Spaces of Wadi el-Hudi: Challenges and Promises of Digital Rescue Archaeology in a Uniquely Inscribed Archaeological Landscape

Bryan KraemerEgyptologist at the Robert and Frances Fullerton Museum of ArtCalifornia State University, San BernardinoRegister hereSince 2014, the Wadi el-Hudi Expedition has been surveying archaeological sites in Egypt’s Eastern Desert connected with ancient amethyst and gold mines. The ancient activity was concentrated in two periods, Egypt’s Middle Kingdom (circa 2000 -1700 BCE), and the Early […]

Senses of Autonomy in the Los Angeles Basin Colonial Hinterlands

Nathan Acebo, MA, PhDUniversity of California, Chancellor's Postdoctoral Scholar and Critical Mission Studies Postdoctoral ScholarAnthropology & Heritage StudiesUniversity of California, MercedRegister hereThe study of the written history of Indigenous communities continues to evolve following new contributions from collaboration-based research partnerships committed to practicing Indigenous Archaeology. As a form of archaeology practiced with, by, and for […]

Spirituality and Diaspora: Considering Yoruba and Kongo Objects in Museums

A conversation between Bárbaro Martínez-Ruiz and José Bedia,Moderated by Manuel JordánMay 18th, 10am - 11am PSTRegister hereThis program follows an exciting interdisciplinary seminar on African Objects in Museums, where students examined a series of objects including painted Yoruba drums and Kongo minkisi. To continue discussions, the Fowler Museum, the Cotsen Institute of Archaeology, the UCLA/Getty […]

Virtual Pizza Talk: Archaeological and Biometric Perspective on the Diversity and Origin of African Chickens

Helina WoldekirosAssistant Professor, Department of AnthropologyWashington UniversityRegister hereDomestic chickens (Gallus gallus domesticus L. 1758) are one of the most valued farm animals in the world today. Chickens are economically and socially significant in Africa. They are often associated with cuisine and identity as well as their ability to generate income for poor rural communities. Despite their importance, little […]

Comparing Conservation Between Countries

Tessa de Alarcon, Grace Jan, Almoatz-bellah ElshahawiFriday May 21st, 11:00am - 12:30pm (PT)Register hereTessa de AlarconHow working in the US and Guatemala has Influenced the Way I Think About ConservationI will briefly discuss my experiences working in Guatemala as compared to working in the United States and reflect on how those experiences have impacted the way I work […]

Virtual Pizza Talk: Ancient Andean Houses: Making, Inhabiting and Studying

Jerry MooreDepartment of AnthropologyCalifornia State University Dominguez HillsRegister hereMoore's principal expertise is on the prehistoric architecture and cultural landscapes in the Andes. Archaeologists typically view architectural features of dwellings and other domestic architecture as built projects in which materials are modified according to a preconceived design in the builders’ minds. Although archaeologists usually acknowledge the […]

Virtual Pizza Talk: Human remains in Tibetan material religion: Conservation as research methodology

Ayesha FuentesStride Lecturer in Arts ConservationNorthumbria UniversityRegister hereAyesha Fuentes will discuss Tibetan and Himalayan religious use of ritual objects made with human skulls and femurs. Fuentes incorporates conservation methods, documentation, and interpretation of the material knowledge and techniques used to select, prepare, activate, maintain and exchange these objects. This project combines the technical examination of […]

Documenting Diversity in Thessaloniki and Its Hinterlands: Three Archaeological Stories

UCLA SNF Center for the Study of Hellenic Culture | UCLA Cotsen Institute of Archaeology | Archaeological Institute of America–Los Angeles County Society presentDr. Anastassios C. AntonarasHead of Exhibitions, Communication and Education Department Museum of Byzantine Culture, Thessaloniki Register hereAfter registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the meeting.This lecture examines the […]

The Sanctuary of Asclepius at Epidauros: New Finds Rewrite the Function and History of the Most Important Sanatorium in Antiquity

UCLA SNF Center for the Study of Hellenic Culture | Embassy of Greece in USA | UCLA Cotsen Institute of Archaeology | Archaeological Institute of America–LA County Society | presentVassilis LambrinoudakisProfessor Emeritus of Classical ArchaeologyUniversity of AthensRegister hereAfter registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the meeting.The unexpected finds during recent […]