Conservation of In-Situ and Post-Excavation Glass

Stephen KoobChief Conservator Emeritus of The Corning Museum of GlassFriday March 12th, 11:00am - 12:00pm (PT)Register hereArchaeological glass encompasses glass that has been buried, either in the ground or in fresh or salt water. In some cases glass was intentionally buried as grave gifts and can be found in archaeological cemeteries or tombs. Most glasses in museum […]

Virtual Pizza Talk: Reconstructing the Lives of Ancient Panamanians through Isotope Analysis

Ashley SharpeStaff scientist and archaeologist Smithsonian Tropical Research Institute in PanamaRegister hereIn recent years, multi-isotope analyses have become an increasingly popular method for examining the lives of past humans. Isotope studies can examine questions regarding the diets, health, and movements of people in the past. In combination with osteological, genetic, and archaeological data, we can […]

Ritualized Stone and Public Art on Easter Island Highlights and Insights of Recent Excavations in Statue Quarry

Jo Anne Van TilburgDirector, Easter Island Statue ProjectRock Art Archive, UCLA Cotsen InstituteRegister hereAn international, multidisciplinary team directed by Jo Anne Van Tilburg conducted a major archeological survey of monolithic sculpture on Rapa Nui (Easter Island). Beginning in 2002, the team mapped the inner basin of Rano Raraku, the island's famed statue quarry. This was […]

So, You’re Thinking About Grad School

Over ZoomOverview of the graduate school application process including things to consider before applying, M.A. versus Ph.D. programs, application components, and things you can do during undergrad to prepare; followed by Q&A.

Authorship and Ownership, a Conversation Between Glenn Wharton and Artist Andrea Geyer

Glenn Wharton, Andrea GeyerFriday April 23rd, 11:00am - 12:00pm (PT)Register hereUCLA/Getty Conservation Program Chair Glenn Wharton will interview artist Andrea Geyer about the conservation and display of 9 Scripts for a Nation at War, a work that was acquired by MoMA when Wharton served as the museum’s Media Conservator. Geyer is a German born multi-disciplinary […]

Virtual Pizza Talk: Mestizo Aesthetics: Image and Appropriation in the Colonial Southwest, 1600-1900 CE

Severin FowlesAssociate Professor of Anthropology and Chair of the American Studies DepartmentBarnard College, Columbia UniversityRegister hereThe European invasion of the Americas unleashed a period of heightened global exchange as technologies, religions, political structures, foodways, languages, diseases, mineral resources, labor and more began to circulate with unprecedented velocity and scale. For the colonized, many of these […]

Virtual Pizza Talk: The Construction and Deconstruction of Authenticity in Chinese Art

David A. ScottDistinguished Professor EmeritusUCLA Department of Art HistoryRegister hereChinese Art presents especially challenging problems in terms of authenticity of monuments, sites, and artefacts of all kinds. Professor Emeritus David A. Scott will examine the conceptual framework of authenticity, a metonymy, where the vagaries of the word can be replaced with intangible authenticity, material authenticity and historic authenticity. Authenticity can also be regarded […]

Virtual Pizza Talk: Recording the Inscribed Spaces of Wadi el-Hudi: Challenges and Promises of Digital Rescue Archaeology in a Uniquely Inscribed Archaeological Landscape

Bryan KraemerEgyptologist at the Robert and Frances Fullerton Museum of ArtCalifornia State University, San BernardinoRegister hereSince 2014, the Wadi el-Hudi Expedition has been surveying archaeological sites in Egypt’s Eastern Desert connected with ancient amethyst and gold mines. The ancient activity was concentrated in two periods, Egypt’s Middle Kingdom (circa 2000 -1700 BCE), and the Early […]

Senses of Autonomy in the Los Angeles Basin Colonial Hinterlands

Nathan Acebo, MA, PhDUniversity of California, Chancellor's Postdoctoral Scholar and Critical Mission Studies Postdoctoral ScholarAnthropology & Heritage StudiesUniversity of California, MercedRegister hereThe study of the written history of Indigenous communities continues to evolve following new contributions from collaboration-based research partnerships committed to practicing Indigenous Archaeology. As a form of archaeology practiced with, by, and for […]

Spirituality and Diaspora: Considering Yoruba and Kongo Objects in Museums

A conversation between Bárbaro Martínez-Ruiz and José Bedia,Moderated by Manuel JordánMay 18th, 10am - 11am PSTRegister hereThis program follows an exciting interdisciplinary seminar on African Objects in Museums, where students examined a series of objects including painted Yoruba drums and Kongo minkisi. To continue discussions, the Fowler Museum, the Cotsen Institute of Archaeology, the UCLA/Getty […]