Keynote Address, 6th Annual UCLA Interdisciplinary Archaeology Research Conference

Speaker:Michelle Hegmon, Arizona State UniversityThe Archaeology of the Human Experience (AHE) is a new initiative concerned with understanding what it was actually like to live in the past that archaeologists study (Hegmon 2013, 2016). I will begin the talk by explaining the origins and goals of AHE. Then, I will describe, in some depth, several examples of AHEresearch. One […]

Pizza Talk: “Bone Weary: Labor in the South American Tiwanaku State (AD 500-1100) from a Bioarchaeological Perspective”

Speaker: Sara Becker, Assistant Professor, UC RiversideThere are a number of approaches in understanding how human civilizations evolved into complex, state-level societies. Labor organization as part of resource management is one way to distinguish these changes and bioarchaeology provides a unique opportunity to study the remains of the actual people who worked within these communities. This research addresses labor organization and distribution within Tiwanaku (AD 500-1100), one […]

Pizza Talk: “Excavations at the Sanctuary of Poseidon in Boeotian Onchestos (Greece): Report on the First Two Campaigns”

Speaker: Ioannis Mylonopoulos, Associate Professor, Columbia UniversitySince 2014, Columbia University’s Department of Art History and Archaeology has conducted excavations and geophysical survey at the sanctuary of Poseidon in Onchestos, the seat of the Boeotian Confederacy and a major sacred site of Central Greece, under the auspices of the Athens Archaeological Society. Excavation focuses on two large areas between Thebes and Haliartos, where […]

Pizza Talk: “Modeling Strategies of Risk-Reduction in the Kuril Islands”

Speaker:Erik Gjesfjeld, Postdoctoral Fellow, UCLAHuman populations in the past and present have shown a remarkable ability to inhabit diverse and unpredictable environments. This research explores how archaeological remains can examine the use of risk-reducing strategies, such as social networking and technological innovation, in the remote Kuril Islands of Northeast Asia. Results from this research suggest that social safety nets may […]