Patricia McCarron McGinn Lecture by Professor Glenn Wharton

Join the UCLA Art History Department for the annual Patricia McCarron McGinn Lecture featuring Professor Glenn Wharton with his lecture Why Conserve Cultural Heritage? Reframing a Discipline.This year’s lecture will take place virtually on Monday, March 7 from 4 to 5:30 pm.  Please RSVP in advance to receive a Zoom link.Please CLICK HERE TO RSVP About Dr. WhartonGlenn Wharton is Professor of Art History and Professor […]

Conservation and Restoration Approaches at the Musical Instrument Museum

Rodrigo Correa-SalasConservatorRegister hereThe structure, materials and acoustic properties of musical instruments are diverse and delicate. These characteristics will determine whether the instrument can be played (on special occasions) or just be displayed in the gallery.The basic knowledge of the different materials (and their combinations) with which they were built, how they were made, how they were played and […]

Archaeological Techniques and Excavating the Indus Civilization

Jonathan Mark KenoyerGeorge F. Dales Jr. and Barbara A. Dales Professor of AnthropologyDepartment of Anthropology, University of Wisconsin, Madison.Date & time: April 9th, 2022 at 1:00PM PTRegister hereA general overview of the Indus Civilization will be presented along with discussions of how archaeologists find sites, how they excavate them and how they study the artifacts that are […]

Career Panel

Over ZoomInvited four speakers from different fields and jobs within archaeology (Meera Munoz-Pandya, a Bilingual Museum Educator at the Smithsonian National Museum of Natural History; Jorge Peralta, a GIS Archaeologist and Staff Archaeologist at PAX environmental; Christian de Brer, the Director of Conservation at UCLA Fowler Museum; Sarah McCully, the Director of Education and Grants […]

Teatime, What Every Conservator Needs to Know About the Complexity of Asian Lacquer

Marianne WebbWebb Conservation ServicesRegister hereAsian lacquer is one of those materials that most furniture and object conservators encounter occasionally during their career. Unfortunately, conservation efforts can go dramatically wrong when a sensitive lacquer surface is treated inappropriately. A lustrous black surface can instantaneously turn to a milky brown color. During the active history of an Asian lacquer object this […]

Patterns are Good to Think: Inka Abstraction Across Media

Carolyn DeanDepartment of History of Art & Visual CultureUniversity of California, Santa CruzMonday, April 25th at 12:00pm PTRegister hereSponsors: Cotsen Institute of Archaeology and UCLA Latin American Institute

The Database of Religious History Workshop at the Cotsen Institute

Register hereHybrid event – In-person at Digital Archaeology Lab A163 Fowler and Online (Zoom)Reception: 12pm – Outdoor Fowler AmphitheaterThe Database of Religious History (DRH) is an open access digital repository of information about the global history of religion. The data is gathered through expert-created entries that take the form of structured questionnaires or “polls”. The format […]

Vigango, Ancestors, Sacred Objects, and Informed Consent: 15 Years of Restorative Justice at the Denver Museum of Nature & Science

Dr. Stephen E. NashDirector of Anthropology and the Avenir Conservation CenterDenver Museum of Nature and ScienceThursday, April 28 at 12:00pm PTRegister here Hybrid event – In-person at A222 Fowler and Online (Zoom)The Cotsen Institute of Archaeology invites you to a special talk presented by the Waystation Program:During the last two decades, increasing awareness of the frequently illicit origin of […]

Toward an engaged science of human-environment interactions

Kristina Douglass, Sherwin Early Career Professor in the Rock Ethics Institute and Assistant Professor of Anthropology and African StudiesRegister hereResearch on how people interact with the environment has the potential to help us solve some of the most pressing challenges we face as a global society. For example, learning about how communities in the past coped […]