The Database of Religious History Workshop at the Cotsen Institute

Register hereHybrid event – In-person at Digital Archaeology Lab A163 Fowler and Online (Zoom)Reception: 12pm – Outdoor Fowler AmphitheaterThe Database of Religious History (DRH) is an open access digital repository of information about the global history of religion. The data is gathered through expert-created entries that take the form of structured questionnaires or “polls”. The format […]

Vigango, Ancestors, Sacred Objects, and Informed Consent: 15 Years of Restorative Justice at the Denver Museum of Nature & Science

Dr. Stephen E. NashDirector of Anthropology and the Avenir Conservation CenterDenver Museum of Nature and ScienceThursday, April 28 at 12:00pm PTRegister here Hybrid event – In-person at A222 Fowler and Online (Zoom)The Cotsen Institute of Archaeology invites you to a special talk presented by the Waystation Program:During the last two decades, increasing awareness of the frequently illicit origin of […]

Toward an engaged science of human-environment interactions

Kristina Douglass, Sherwin Early Career Professor in the Rock Ethics Institute and Assistant Professor of Anthropology and African StudiesRegister hereResearch on how people interact with the environment has the potential to help us solve some of the most pressing challenges we face as a global society. For example, learning about how communities in the past coped […]

Ghost Landscapes: Recovering & Visualizing Hidden Histories and Landscapes of the Early Colonial Andes (1530s-1700)

Jeremy MikeczNeukom Institude Postdoctoral FellowNative American Studies, Darmouth UniversityWednesday May 11th, 2022 at 4pm PTRegister here (Link for both in-person and Zoom attendance)How can patterns embedded in historical texts be made visible? How can we map texts and visualize narratives? How does doing so allow us to confront historical silences and challenge scholarly erasures in new and […]

Digital Sketches: Creating Qualitative, Humanistic Maps & Visualizations in Inkscape

Jeremy MikeczNeukom Institude Postdoctoral FellowNative American Studies, Darmouth UniversityIn-person, Digital Archaeology Lab, Fowler A163Thursday May 12th, 2022 from 10am-1pm PTRegister here Data visualizations and mapping carry with them some baggage. Graphs lie. Maps hide. Politicians, corporations, and others use them to persuade (at best), or deceive or divide (at worst). However, just as the earliest maps […]

The Vishap: From Fairy Tale to Reality

You are cordially invited to   The Vishap: From Fairy Tale to Reality (click on link for schedule)Sunday May 15th, 2022 at 2:00 - 6:00pm PDTThe Narekatsi Chair in Armenian Studies presents "The Vishap: From Fairy Tale to Reality," by Dr. Arsen Bobokhyan. This event is co-sponsored by the Promise Armenian Institute, the Ararat-Eskijian Museum, and the National Association for Armenian Studies & Research with […]

The conservation and restoration of the church of Kuñotambo by its community

Claudio CancinoArchitect, Architectural Conservator | MBA | MS Senior Project Specialist, Building and Sites department, Getty Conservation InstituteRegister hereThe community of Kuñotambo, a small village near Cusco, Peru has been a crucial and significant stakeholder for the conservation of its church of Santiago Apóstol. Thanks to them, their church was seismically retrofitted and is now maintained as […]


The Cotsen Institute of Archeology Press invites you to the latest Author Spotlight withStephen DueppenAssociate Professor, Department of AnthropologyUniversity of OregonRegister hereMounded sites (tells) are common throughout West Africa, including in western Burkina Faso where clusters of mounds dating to the past three millennia are common. Extensive fieldwork at the long inhabited and well-preserved site of […]