VIRTUAL PIZZA TALK: “The Will to Adorn”: A Black Feminist Archaeology of Sartorial Choice in Post-emancipation Texas

Dr. Ayana Omilade Flewellen, Assistant Professor, Department of Anthropology, UC RiversideWednesday, October 21st, 12:00pm - 1:00pm PTAmid racialized servitude, sexual exploitation, and economic disenfranchisement, that marked the post-emancipation era in the United States, African American women were styling their hair with combs, lacing glass beads around their necks, dyeing coarse-cotton fabric with indigo-berry and sweetgum […]

Panel 6: Pacific Histories

Panelists: Tarcisius Kabutaulaka (University of Hawaii-Manoa), John Peterson (University of San Carlos, Cebu, Philippines); Britton Shepardson (Terevaka Archaeological Outreach 501(c)(3)); Beno Atan (Metropolitan Touring Ecuador)Moderator: Jason Throop (UCLA)Wednesday October 21, 7:00 PM (PDT) / Thurs October 22, 10:00 AM (TWN)Webinar Series: Indigenous Peoples, Heritage and Landscape in the Asia Pacific: Knowledge Co-Production, Policy Change, and […]

The Gods of Urartu: The Religious beliefs of the Urartian Empire

Miqayel Badalyan Director of the “Erebuni” Historical & Archaeological Museum-Reserve, Yerevan, Republic of Armenia.Friday, October 23, 2020 – 12:00pm PT (contingent on the developing situation in Armenia)Register hereBased on archaeological data, as well as philological and visual art sources, the presentation focuses on the religious beliefs of the Urartian kingdom. In this regard, the role […]

VIRTUAL PIZZA TALK: Trade and Trauma along the Silk Road, the evidence from the western frontier of China and Mongolia (700 BC-420 AD)

Dr. Christine Lee,  Assistant Professor, Department of Anthropology, California State Los AngelesWednesday, October 28th, 12:00pm - 1:00pm PTFour archaeological sites along the western frontier of China and Mongolia were analyzed for cranial trauma patterns. These patterns were then used to determine levels of violence, who were the participants, and if certain individuals were singled out […]

Panel 7: Indigeneity, Identity, and Empowerment

Panelists: Oona Paredes (UCLA); Eulalie Dulnuan (Ifugao State University); Sayun Simong (Sqoyaw, Taiwan); Andrea Malaya Ragragio (University of the Philippines-Mindanao); Margaret Palaghicon Von Rotz (UC Hastings College of the Law) Moderator: Justin Dunnavant (Vanderbilt University)Wednesday October 28, 7:00 PM (PDT) / Thurs October 29, 10:00 AM (TWN)Webinar Series: Indigenous Peoples, Heritage and Landscape in the Asia […]

Conservation of the Stone Monuments of Petra: An Ongoing Research Project of the Faculty of Archaeology and Anthropology at Yarmouk University

Dr. Ziad Al-SaadPhD, Professor of cultural heritage conservation and management at the Faculty of Archaeology and Anthropology Yarmouk UniversityFriday October 30th, 11:00am - 12:00pm (PT)Register herePetra has been classified as being of World Heritage standards and is included on the world heritage list.The entire site of Petra, with its 2000 listed rock-carved monuments of outstanding cultural […]

VIRTUAL PIZZA TALK: Immigration Politics in the Ancient World: Accommodation Strategies and Xenophobia in Second Intermediate Period Egypt

Dr. Danielle Candelora, Assistant Professor, History Department, SUNY CourtlandWednesday, November 4th, 12:00pm - 1:00pm PTThe Hyksos are often set up as the boogeymen of ancient Egypt - after a violent invasion, these foreign despots ruled the North of Egypt with an iron first, while a native Egyptian family in the South fought for Egypt's liberation. […]

Panel 8: Indigenous Rights and Heritage Laws

Panelists: Teddy Baguilat (Indigenous Conserved Communities Areas); Awi Mona (National Taiwan University); Claire Charter (University of Auckland)Moderator: Marcelle Burns (University of New England)November 4, 2020, 6:00 PM (PDT) / November 5, 2020, 10:00 AM (TWN)Webinar Series: Indigenous Peoples, Heritage and Landscape in the Asia Pacific: Knowledge Co-Production, Policy Change, and EmpowermentThe United Nations Declaration on […]

New Light on the Neolithization of the Armenia and beyond: Data from the recent excavation at Lernagog – 1 site and Areni-2 Cave in Armenia

Artur PetrosyanArchaeologist, Researcher, Department of Early ArchaeologyInstitute of Archaeology and Ethnography, National Academy of Sciences Republic of ArmeniaNovember 6th 2020 12:00pm PT (contingent on the developing situation in Armenia)Register here Until recently the Early Holocene sites of the Kura and the Araxes river basins were not known and the question of Neolithization in the region were […]

Black and Indigenous Storytelling as Counter-History

For untold centuries, storytelling has been foundational to the ways Black and Indigenous people understand and connect to the world around them. However, knowledge systems upheld in academic settings continually disavow these narratives and those who hold them as valid sites of intellectual production. For BIPOC heritage professionals, storytelling taps into historically marginalized ways of […]