Excavations At The Victory Monument Of Octavian Augustus At Nikopolis, Epiros: A Monument That Marks A Turning Point In The History Of The Ancient World

Konstantinos Zachos Director Emeritus Of Antiquities For EpirosSaturday, October 10th, 10:00am PT On September 2, 31 BC, Octavian’s forces defeated those of Mark Antony and the queen of Egypt Cleopatra off the west coast of Greece. Known as the Battle of Actium, from the peninsula of the same name, at the entrance of the Ambracian Gulf, […]

VIRTUAL PIZZA TALK: Makers’ Space/Making Space: An Interdisciplinary Imagining of the Lived Experiences of Ancient Athenian Potters and Painters

Sanchita Balachandran, Senior Lecturer in Near Eastern Studies & Associate Director, Johns Hopkins University & MuseumWednesday, October 14th, 12:00pm - 1:00pm PT  What can we know about the lived experiences of the ancient artisans who were making the now-iconic red and black ceramics in Athens between the 6th and 4th centuries BCE? Given that the potters […]

Panel 5: History and Heritage

Panelists: Peter Lape (University of Washington); JB Chevance (Archaeology and Development Foundation, Phnom Kulen Program, Cambodia); Wiwik Dharmiasih (Universitas Udayana, Bali, Indonesia); Rasmi Shoocongdej (Silpakorn University, Thailand)Moderator: Grace Barretto-Tesoro (University of the Philippines-Diliman-Archaeological Studies Program)Wednesday October 14, 7:00 PM (PDT) / Thurs October 15, 10:00 AM (TWN)Webinar Series: Indigenous Peoples, Heritage and Landscape in the […]

Dragon Stones of Armenia: Recent Research and Protection Works

Arsen BobokhyanPhD, Researcher at the Institute of Archaeology and Ethnography, National Academy of Sciences Republic of ArmeniaFriday, October 16th, 12:00pm PT (contingent on the developing situation in Armenia)Register hereIn the high mountains of Armenia, exist unique monuments called by the people “vishapakar” - dragon-stone. Although vishapakars were discovered more than a century ago, their secrets […]

The Early Cycladic Site at Skarkos on the Island of Ios

Marisa E. Marthari, Director Emerita Of Prehistoric & Classical Antiquities For The Cyclades And SamosSaturday, October 17th, 10:00am PST The site of Skarkos, the largest of all known Early Cycladic II sites, stands on a commanding hill overlooking a coastal plain and one of the largest sheltered harbors in the Cyclades. The excavations conducted by the […]

VIRTUAL PIZZA TALK: “The Will to Adorn”: A Black Feminist Archaeology of Sartorial Choice in Post-emancipation Texas

Dr. Ayana Omilade Flewellen, Assistant Professor, Department of Anthropology, UC RiversideWednesday, October 21st, 12:00pm - 1:00pm PTAmid racialized servitude, sexual exploitation, and economic disenfranchisement, that marked the post-emancipation era in the United States, African American women were styling their hair with combs, lacing glass beads around their necks, dyeing coarse-cotton fabric with indigo-berry and sweetgum […]

Panel 6: Pacific Histories

Panelists: Tarcisius Kabutaulaka (University of Hawaii-Manoa), John Peterson (University of San Carlos, Cebu, Philippines); Britton Shepardson (Terevaka Archaeological Outreach 501(c)(3)); Beno Atan (Metropolitan Touring Ecuador)Moderator: Jason Throop (UCLA)Wednesday October 21, 7:00 PM (PDT) / Thurs October 22, 10:00 AM (TWN)Webinar Series: Indigenous Peoples, Heritage and Landscape in the Asia Pacific: Knowledge Co-Production, Policy Change, and […]

The Gods of Urartu: The Religious beliefs of the Urartian Empire

Miqayel Badalyan Director of the “Erebuni” Historical & Archaeological Museum-Reserve, Yerevan, Republic of Armenia.Friday, October 23, 2020 – 12:00pm PT (contingent on the developing situation in Armenia)Register hereBased on archaeological data, as well as philological and visual art sources, the presentation focuses on the religious beliefs of the Urartian kingdom. In this regard, the role […]

VIRTUAL PIZZA TALK: Trade and Trauma along the Silk Road, the evidence from the western frontier of China and Mongolia (700 BC-420 AD)

Dr. Christine Lee,  Assistant Professor, Department of Anthropology, California State Los AngelesWednesday, October 28th, 12:00pm - 1:00pm PTFour archaeological sites along the western frontier of China and Mongolia were analyzed for cranial trauma patterns. These patterns were then used to determine levels of violence, who were the participants, and if certain individuals were singled out […]

Panel 7: Indigeneity, Identity, and Empowerment

Panelists: Oona Paredes (UCLA); Eulalie Dulnuan (Ifugao State University); Sayun Simong (Sqoyaw, Taiwan); Andrea Malaya Ragragio (University of the Philippines-Mindanao); Margaret Palaghicon Von Rotz (UC Hastings College of the Law) Moderator: Justin Dunnavant (Vanderbilt University)Wednesday October 28, 7:00 PM (PDT) / Thurs October 29, 10:00 AM (TWN)Webinar Series: Indigenous Peoples, Heritage and Landscape in the Asia […]