Resources, Exchange, and SocietyUCLA Chinese Archaeology Forum (2019)第一届洛杉矶中国考古论坛:资源、贸易与社会9:30-4:30 Friday Aug 23 UCLA Young Research Library Presentation RoomOpening Remarks: 9:30-9:40First Panel: Resources and Exchanges in Early China (Chair Li Min, UCLA)第一组:早期中国的资源与交换 (主持人:李旻 加州大学洛杉矶分校)9:40-10:10 Wu Hao (Shandong University): Settlement and Social Structure on the Jianxin Site during the Middle and the Late Dawenkou Period武昊(山东大学历史文化学院):枣庄建新遗址大汶口中晚期聚落与社会结构10:10-10:40 Gao Jiangtao (CASS): Resources, Trade Routes, and Settlements in theEmergence of Early Civilization in China: Perspective from the Jinnan Basin高江涛(中国社会科学院考古研究所):中国早期文明之路视野下的晋南资源聚落10:40-11:10 Pang Xiaoxia (CASS): The Xiawanggang Site during the Erlitou Period: A Transportation Hub in Cultural Interaction庞小霞(中国社会科学院考古研究所):文化互动中的枢纽—-二里头时期的淅川下王岗11:10-11:20 10 minutes break11:20-11:50 Li Min (UCLA) The Minshan Pathway in the Prehistoric Interaction of Early China李旻(加州大学洛杉矶分校):史前中国互动圈中的岷山通道Second Panel: Ritual and Society (Chair Zhang Meimei, Occidental College)第二组:仪式与社会 (主持人:张楣楣 西方学院)11:50-12:20 Kirie Stromberg (UCLA): Music and State Formation in Early China益田雾绘(加州大学洛杉矶分校):早期国家形成视域中的音乐12:20-1:00 pm Lunch1:00-1:30 Tian Zhaoyuan (East China Normal University)Pledge of Allegiance: Reflection on the Early State of System田兆元(华东师范大学社会发展学院):盟誓:关于早期国家制度的思考1:30-2:00 Li Wanmeng (UCLA): Investigation of Daoist Temple in Grotto-HeavenLandscape Based on the Case Study of Dongxiao Temple Site李皖蒙(加州大学洛杉矶分校): 洞天福地中道教宫观考古调查——以临安洞霄宫遗址为例Third Panel: Maritime Resources and Networks (Chair Liu Miao, Xiamen Univ.)第三组:海洋资源与网络 (主持人:刘淼 厦门大学)2-2:30 Cao Yang (Shandong University): Salt Archaeology Survey at the West Coast of the Bohai Gulf: Results from the 2018 Season曹洋(山东大学文化遗产研究院):2018 年渤海湾西岸地区盐业考古调查及研究2:30-3:00 Liu Miao (Xiamen University): Production and Export of Fujian Ceramics: Survey of Anxi Kiln Sites刘淼(厦门大学人文学院):福建古陶瓷生产及外销—-安溪县古窑址调查3-3:30 Zhou Jun (East China Normal University): Genglubu Navigation Manualsfrom the Perspective of the Maritime Communities周俊(华东师范大学社会发展学院):海洋命运共同体视野下的《更路簿》Special Presentation: Chinese Archaeology through Camera Lens特别报告:考古镜像3:30-4 Du Lin (UCLA) A Modern Man’s Way of Viewing the Past: ArchaeologicalPhotography in the Northwestern Provinces of China杜琳(加州大学洛杉矶分校):摄影之眼的“怀古”与“求真”西北文物考察照片4-4:30 Commentary 总结评议:Prof. Lothar Von Falkenhausen 罗泰 教授 (加州大学洛杉矶分校艺术史系)Sponsored by: 资助机构:Henry Luce Foundation 露丝基金会UCLA Cotsen Institute of Archaeology 加州大学洛杉矶分校蔻岑考古研究所UCLA Center for Chinese Studies 加州大学洛杉矶分校中国研究中心UCLA East Asian Library 加州大学洛杉矶分校东亚图书馆

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