Himalayan Wonders Unearthed30 Years of Discoveries in India and TibetFor thirty years, Peter van Ham has been researching regions in the Himalayas that had been closed for research for over half a decade. His major research focus is the life and achievements of one of Tibet’s greatest masters – Lotsava Rinchen Sangpo, the ‘Great Translator’ from the eleventh century CE. The few surviving religious establishments founded under his aegis are the oldest temple sites of the entire TIbetan cultural realm. Their works of art, mostly preserved in their original state, are of great importance not only for TIbetan culture but also for India, Central and even Middle Asia, revealing influences reaching as far as the Mediterranean. Supported by H.H., the Dalai Lama, the Archaeological Survey of India, and the UNESCO, van Ham has made important art historical and archaeological discoveries and was the first to document these unique sites that for centuries eluded public attention. The event was livestreamed and the recording is available below.
April 2nd, 2018, 5:00 – 7:30pmLecture and Reception at the California NanoSystems Institute (CNSI) Auditorium at UCLA570 Westwood Plaza, Los Angeles, CA 90095Parking available at Lot 9Click here to RSVP by March 23rd, 2018