Urban Animals Past and PresentGraduate Student Workshop and Public LecturesSaturday October 20, 2018UCLA La Kretz GardenPavilionCities are full of animals: wild and domestic, tame and feral. In this workshop, we will focus on all of the ways that animals exist within human urban ecosystems as sources of food, companionship, and aesthetic pleasure, and how animals also act as scavengers, nutrient recyclers, and vectors for the transmission of diseases such as plague, rabies, and monkeypox. Given the global and rapid pace of urbanization, these phenomena constitute a critical component of urban studies as well as animal management strategies.Schedule9:00-12:00 Graduate student presentations (if you would like to participate, please submit a five-page,double-spaced summary of your dissertation research no later than October 1, 2018)Lunch break2:00-5:00 Public presentations by Judy Stamps (University of California, Davis) Levent Atici (University of Nevada-Las Vegas) Ian MacGregor-Fors (INECOL Institute of Ecology, Veracruz, Mexico)Reception to followFor further details please contact co-organizersMonica L. Smith (smith@anthro.ucla.edu) and Pamela Yeh (pamelayeh@ucla.edu)Sponsored by:UCLA Cotsen Institute of Archaeology, UCLA Department of Anthropology,UCLA Department of Ecology and Evolutionary Biology, Navin and Pratima Doshi Chair in Indian StudiesUCLA Mildred E. Mathias Botanical Garden, UCLA Department of Urban Planning

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