Dr. Levent Atici, Associate Professor, University of Nevada, Las Vegas The revolutionary socioeconomic transformation of societies from foraging to farming in Southwest Asia shortly after 10,000 calibrated years BC and the subsequent spread of emergent agropastoral lifeways across Anatolia and into Southeast Europe (a.k.a., Neolithization) have been one of the most ruminated topics in archaeology. Recent archaeological research in Anatolia have greatly contributed to a better understanding of the origins and dispersal of agricultural economies. Körtik Tepe is a Pre-Pottery Neolithic A (PPNA; 10th millennium B.C.) complex forager site in the Upper Tigris Valley with a well-dated stratigraphy, hundreds of human burials, hundreds of round architectural structures, and a highly sophisticated symbolism. Uğurlu Höyük is a Neolithic settlement on Gökçeada, the largest Turkish island situated between Anatolia and the European continent in the Aegean Sea, and currently the only site with an early Neolithic component (ca. 7000 cal BC) in the eastern Aegean. This talk combines the results of zooarchaeological research at two Anatolian sites, representing two distinct points on the animal exploitation continuum, and offers new insights into the origins and dispersal of domesticated animals in SW Asia and adjacent areas.

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